Realizing Synergies from Digital Innovations

1:15 pm - 2:15 pm,
Sala de Puerto Rico - 2nd floor, Stratton

Nils Fonstad, SM ‘96, PhD ‘03, MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research (@NilsFonstad)

Alan Eddie, Nordea
David Hackshall, Cochlear Ltd (@dhackshall)
Akash Khurana, McDermott Inc. (#akash_khurana)
Bill Kracunas, RSM US LLC (@billkracunas)

One of the toughest challenges of today’s companies is to coordinate interactions across their growing and increasingly diverse portfolio of innovations. When companies do not coordinate these interactions, they put their operations and customer experience at risk. By coordinating interactions well, they achieve significant synergies—the total impact of the company’s innovations is greater than the return on the sum. This panel will explore what firms are doing to realize synergies from digital innovations.